Last updated 12/11/2009.
Terms of Use - a phrase used to indicate the statement explaining the kind of agreement a client and provider will have with each other regarding some type of service or product and it's use.
We - associates, members, employees, and owner(s) of and Gallagher Website Design.
Us - associates, members, employees, and owner(s) of and Gallagher Website Design.
I - associates, members, employees, and owner(s) of and Gallagher Website Design.
Provider - associates, members, employees, and owner(s) of, and the company Gallagher Website Design.
Client - the legal entity signing up for services with the provider. - associates, members, employees, and owner(s) of and the company Gallagher Website Design. - associates, members, employees, and owner(s) of and the company Gallagher Website Design.
Gallagher Website Design - employees and owner(s) of the company Gallagher Website Design.
Users / Viewers / The user / The viewer - that person, persons, group, groups, party or parties which view(s) or interact(s) in any way with this website (
The provider does not guarantee any specific placement or ranking in the search engines but will work to improve the ranking of the website. In fact warms about such statments, "Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings..." (Google. Search Engine Optimization. Webmaster/Site Owners Help. 2009.)
The provider is not responsiable for any comments, posts or messages written by patients or other memebers of the social media sites. The client acknolegest that the provider does not have the ability to screen what other users may comment, post or submit on any of the social media sites.
The client agrees that the provider will be held accountable for any direct or indirect damages or harm done from marketing on social media websites.
The provider still maintains the rights of the template design. The client will not be given special features like the editor and newsletter creating software - these are property of the provider. The client will be given the rights to the domain name (example:
The client must provide a web hosting account and domain name account to the provider so the website and it's files can be move into the client's control. These costs are the client's responsibility.
All marketing done on the website and for the chiropractic office will cease when the client cancels their account. Social media accounts in both Twitter and Facebook will be given over to the client as long as they are able to be transferred into their control. The provider is not responsible for any harm directly or indirectly done as a result of ceasing work on marketing due to cancelation of services.